Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Creating your session- steps

No fixed rule
Everyone does different things
1) chose topic
2) decide what approach - P to T / T to P
3) What input type will you use in the session  to provide the info for the session?
4) Task type - reading / audio etc.
5) Write some stuff - use the lesson plan template on the course
6) Use the evaluation checklist to check which bits haven't been completed
7) Chose a title to think about / can come at the end

theory to practice and practice to theory

One went from theory to practice and the other vice-versa

Theory to practice - Some people want it that way, get the overall picture and then work, good for new teachers

Practice to theory - some are concrete thinkers - they make their theories from practical examples rather than applying them.

The level of teachers’ knowledge and experience can also help the trainer to decide. Teachers who know little about a topic might benefit from some input which they can then apply to practical content. More experienced teachers benefit from putting what they know into practice first, and then discussing the principles of their practice.

3.4- oral feedback

But in terms of how does it - what does it actually look like, an oral feedback session? Who sits where? Who does the talking? Are there questions asked? Is there any writing to do? Are there any resources used? In terms of giving one-one feedback.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Types of inputs for use with teachers

Types of input for use with teachers

1. Live classroom teaching (Teachers sit in on a real lesson and discuss it afterward.)

2. Micro-teaching (Teachers practice a specific teaching technique or techniques by teaching a small group of peers on their course. They receive detailed feedback from the trainer and from their peers.)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cambridge English Signature Event - Observation and Reflection: tensions between best practice and reality

Observation - something which ELT teachers are always trying to be alert about and be prepared for. 

1) But how effective is observation? 
2) At what stage is observation effective?
3) What are the cultural, social and personal factors that influence all the 3 - the observer, the teacher and the student?
4) Are students observed at all? Why is the focus only on teachers?
Dr. Craig says -'Teachers or students- who are the elephants in the room?'
5) What makes observation uncomfortable?
6) Solutions? Best practice vs reality.

See more at:

The native vs the non-native speaker - Plenary by Silvana Richardson- 14th April

In these times, in the world of ELT, there is a divide based on preferences for a native speaker (NS)over a non-native speaker (NNS), in terms of hiring. Why is it? Though studies show that a NNS can equally be efficient or in some cases more effective than a NS. 

In this plenary, Mrs. Silvana Richardson excellently explores the issues surrounding the NNS in terms of employment, discrimination, NS-bias etc.

See more-

Enhancing speaking and writing using Google Apps- 14th April

In this digital age, with digital natives, everyone wants fast and quick action be it learning or teaching. In this video, Mr. Dale speaks about how to use Google Apps internally in the classroom and externally. 

Some apps discussed were:

1) Talk and comment
2) Soundation
3) Padlet
4) Todays Meet

See more at

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

12th April - interview sessions with top educators in ELT

There were interview sessions with many of the top ELT educators in the ELT yesterday, 12th April  by such as:

1) Dr. Andy Curtis, TESOL president
2) Mrs. Marjorie Rosenberg, IATEFL president
3) Mr. Herbert Puchta
4) Mrs. Anna Searle 
5) Mrs. Lisa peter

There interviews can be seen at:
12th April - interviews with top ELT educators- IATEFL 2016

Remember, today, 13th April, Wednesday, is the first day of the IATEFL sessions starting with opening plenary by Dr. David Crystal, at 11:15 AM (KSA time) on 'Who would of thought it? The English language 1966-2066.'

For details, follow the link:
IATEFL 2016 plenary schedule

Attend and enjoy!!!

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